Learn More From Our Seawall FAQ

Improper soil compaction is the beginning cause of all problems on seawalls.

If your seawall has cracks, it is important to address them as soon as possible to prevent water intrusion, which can cause significant damage to the structure and the surrounding area. One of the waterproofing methods that can be used is polyurethane injection or foam injection, which can be applied to seal the cracks and prevent water from penetrating the structure. Additionally, soil stabilization techniques can also be employed to provide extra support and prevent further damage to the seawall. However, if the cracks are large and/or numerous, or if the seawall is showing signs of significant deterioration, it may be necessary to replace the entire seawall. There is a lot to consider. One of our experienced staff should be consulted to determine the best course of action for your specific seawall.

Our product is a guaranteed permanent fix for any of water intrusion or stabilization issues, to any location we inject.

NCFI polyurethane is environmentally tested and EPA certified safe for potable drinking water.

The chemical mixture can only permeate within the soils and cracks but has no pressure or lifting capability. It will expand to seal any area we inject but cannot lift soil or blowout your seawall.

We pride ourselves on being fast and effective, so depending on the size of the job we should only need one day to permanently fix any of your erosion or water intrusion issues.

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