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Pompano Beach, Florida

Tel : (954) 773-7006


Roadway Stabilization

We are able to permanently fix any potholes, uneven roadways and deteriorating asphalt by solidifying the ground beneath.

Asphalt and concrete naturally begin to crack as they age. These cracks allow water to intrude into the subsoil and create voids. As vehicles drive over these voids, the vibration causes the cracks to get worse, and eventually cave in.
waters edge solutions pot hole repair

Anyone that’s driven in florida has experienced roadways in disrepair. Potholes, uneven dips, cracks and standing water are just a few of the issues florida drivers are faced with on a regular basis. The most common method of repairing roadways is to bury the cracks and uneven areas under hot asphalt. While this may work in the short term, these methods of repair ignore the unstable ground that is the real cause of all of these issues. Repairing the asphalt without repairing the ground underneath will result in the same potholes, cracks and puddles returning as the ground continues to settle. The only permanent fix is to repair the settling ground and stabilize it. With our patented process we can permanently fix any roadway stabilization concerns. A steel injection rod is inserted in the center and around the pothole.

We utilize a formulated polyurethane that is injected into the ground with a specialized high pressure pump. The high intensity of the pump forces the chemical to act as a jet and permeate the ground soil to stabilize and expand to increase compression.

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Modern Tech

Leveraging the latest tech in all of our solutions.